Research groups
Working groups:
Microbiology, Hygiene and Food Quality Control
Description: The Research Group on Microbiology, Hygiene and Quality Control of Food is a group that develops research on topics related to the stages of food production, from obtaining to the final consumer. Laboratory studies are carried out to investigate the microbiological quality of food, research on different stages of food processing such as the evaluation of different sanitization procedures for fruits and vegetables, the study of alternative treatments (such as the application of ultrasound) to conventional methods and the application of coatings edibles in fruits. In addition, research is carried out aimed at assessing food safety in different food production and marketing environments. The group includes health professionals (nutritionists) and food science and technology professionals (food engineers). This research group is linked to the PPGNS in the line of research entitled Food, dietetics and nutrition.
Responsible Professor: Jackline Freitas Brilhante de São José.
Research Laboratory in Nutrition and Health of Populations (PENSA)
Description: The PENSA research laboratory involves multidisciplinary studies on nutrition, physical activity and population health. PENSA began its activities in 2007, and its central theme is population diagnosis, including the socioeconomic, cultural and biological determinants of chronic non-communicable diseases, in particular, obesity and high blood pressure. It also develops studies on children's nutrition and health in different scenarios, aiming to provide subsidies for carrying out disease prevention and health promotion actions. In addition, the group develops validation studies of data collection methods and instruments for population studies of specific age groups.
Responsible Professor: Maria del Carmen Bisi Molina.
Collaborative professors: Carolina Perim de Faria.
Epidemiology, Health and Nutrition Research Group (GEMNUT)
Description: The Research Group on Epidemiology, Health and Nutrition (GEMNUT) is a group that carries out research on the different life cycles with an emphasis on the epidemiology of diseases that constitute public Health problems, workers' health, multimorbidity, consumption and dietary patterns of populations. It works mainly on descriptive studies and research into risk factors and prognostic factors. It is staffed by health professionals and statisticians and its lines of research are: Nutritional analysis and intervention in populations; workers' health, quality of life and chronic diseases; and health processes and diseases in populations.
Responsible Professor: Luciane Bresciani Salaroli.
Collaborative professors: Fabíola Pires Soares Lacerda.
Nutrition and Health Research Group
Description: Develops research and assistance activities in different groups: individuals with severe obesity assisted by the Public Health System, pregnant women, infants, children and adolescents, and regulars of the Health Academy Program. The research activities in the different groups include anthropometric, body composition, food consumption and biochemical assessment, especially oxidative stress parameters. Assistance activities include nutritional counseling.
Responsible Professor: Fabiano Kenji Haraguchi.
Collaborative professors: Míriam Carmo Rodrigues Barbosa.
Study Group on Body Composition Assessment and Cancer (GEACC)
Description: GEAAC is a study group formed by professors, nutritionists and undergraduate and graduate students with the main objective of investigating and discussing new diagnostic tools and instruments for assessing body composition and quality of life in specific populations (post-menopausal women, cancer patients and transgender). It was created in 2016 and since then has been investigating the topic through important publications of interest to the scientific community.
Responsible Professor: Valdete Regina Guandalini.
Collaborative professor: José Luiz Marques Rocha.
Study and Research Group on Functional Foods and New Products (GEPAN)
Description: The purpose of GEPAN is to aggregate, organize, administer, attract internal and external funding, promote university outreach, course completion work and scientific research at UFES. It seeks to integrate teachers and students into scientific research activities in the area of Nutrition, sub-area Biochemistry of Nutrition or Dietetics, for an indefinite period. In this sense, GEPAN aims to search for foods with functional claims. Through the development of new products, it seeks to assess their nutritional, sensory and technological characteristics, as well as evaluating the effects of their use in food, both in animal models and in human research.
Responsible Professor: Érica Aguiar Moraes.
Research Group on Nutrition and the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents (MUCA)
Description: The MUCA ( is certified by CNPq since 2015, and it is dedicated to understanding and analyzing the determinants of health and nutrition of women, children, and adolescents in Brazil and worldwide, contributing to the elaboration of strategies of attention, care, public policies and food and nutritional security for this population group.
Responsible Professors: Míriam Carmo Rodrigues Barbosa and Carolina Perim de Faria.
Collaborative professors: José Luiz Marques Rocha.
Physiology and Biochemistry in Experimental and Clinical Models Group
Description: Studies of the functional, morphological, and cellular aspects of cardiac remodeling and muscular-skeletal plasticity. This group aims to identify the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms, and subsequently verify the influence of exercise in preventing and/or attenuating cardiac damage. Experimental models of obesity, exposure to smoking, diabetes and physical training are used.
Responsible Professors: André Soares Leopoldo and Ana Paula Lima Leopoldo.
Collaborative professors: Lucas Guimarães Ferreira.
Muscle Physiology and Human Performance Research Group
Description: It was created in 2012 and located in the Sports Department of CEFD-UFES. It aims to promote studies in the area of Exercise Physiology, Sports Nutrition and Sports Training, with an emphasis on musculoskeletal physiology and strength and power sports activities. It is made up of undergraduate and postgraduate students, with the collaboration of professors from UFES and other teaching and research institutions in Brazil and abroad.
Responsible Professor: Lucas Guimarães Ferreira.
Collaborative professors: André Soares Leopoldo and Ana Paula Lima Leopoldo.
Laboratory for Cardiovascular and Adipose Tissue Studies (LECTA)
Description: Dissemination of studies and research into the physiology of adipose tissue and cardiovascular tissue, as well as the correlation between them. The group operates in an experimental research laboratory and carries out experiments with cell culture, molecular biology, cell metabolism assays, vascular reactivity and myocardial contractility. This research group is linked to the PPGNS in the line of research entitled Food, dietetics and nutrition and is developing a new line of research into functional foods with protective properties for cardiovascular and metabolic function.
Responsible Professors: Andressa Bolsoni Lopes and Karolini Zuqui Nunes.